Fabulous, smart and beautiful.
I wish for her to ALWAYS know
She is powerful beyond,
And WORTHY of her luminous glow.
NEVER let your light diminish, my love!
Boldly shine as bright as the sun.
For you are as UNIQUE as the stars,
And as deep as the ocean.
The UNIVERSE, in all her glory, will sing your illustrious tune
When you awaken to your POWER under the beauty of the moon.
What I want my daughter to know and what I hope she realizes in her own time:
I wish for her to be the version of HER that she is destined to be.
I wish for my tiny warrior to be who and what HER tiny warrior’s little heart and soul desires.
I wish for HER to be aligned with her greatest purpose and most natural self.
I wish for my daughter to be HER own warrior in HER version of HER unique story.
I wish for HER to awaken to HER power and have the strength and conviction to stick to HER path.
I wish for HER many mistakes exuding imperfection so much so that she is imperfectly perfect in her own skin.
I wish for my daughter to LOVE herself fiercely, tirelessly, relentlessly and at all costs.
I wish for HER to connect with others who really see HER beneath her layers.
I wish she would just brush her hair!!!! (oops got a bit sidetracked there!)
I wish for so many things for my little seed, flower, star, princess Zara.
Most of all, I wish for her to know that her GIFT lies in loving every fibre of her good and bad parts, on the days when she holds it together, and especially on the days when she cannot. On the days when her heart is broken and on the days when her heart is bursting. When she is in chaos and when she is at peace, I hope for her to always know she is loved more than she could ever fathom.
Brace for the battle, my wee warrior. Take with you all my wishes and hopes as weapons along the way. Use them in combat. As you encounter obstacles in your way, always remember and know you have ME with YOU every step of the way.